About me

Hi! I am Asta! I am a philologist and a philocalist to the heart's core. Here I share things that I consider being aesthetic and fantastic!

12 Jun 2017

Father's Day 2017

Although Lithuania celebrated Father's Day on 4th of June, our family did it this weekend. Since our way of celebrating usually involves my dad coming to Vilnius and then us doing some sightseeing, to do all that, first of all I had to be back from Estonia. Second, it was a question of a place or activity. Luckily, my dad agreed to our plan that didn't involve traveling long distances like we did last year, and we decided to do some bow shooting and to visit Botanical Garden, with nice lunch in-between. 

Our first stop was The Archery Club "Strėlė" where we enjoyed shooting arrows for more than an hour. My dad did it for the first time and it all went very well!

Of course, we got hungry, so we headed to "Ridikai", a really nice place with good food and quite fast service. Their perfectly prepared ribs just melted away in my mouth!

Although dark clouds were threatening us with rain, we still decided to go to the Botanical Garden of Vilnius University. And I'm so glad that we did it! Everything's in bloom there: lilacs, roses, even peonies are starting to bloom. We were walking among clouds of various fragrances and enjoying ourselves to our hearts content!

Photos © Things I Like
