About me

Hi! I am Asta! I am a philologist and a philocalist to the heart's core. Here I share things that I consider being aesthetic and fantastic!

13 Jan 2018

My Blog Turns 2!

Two years ago, on this very same day, I decided to launch "Things I Like" blog. Let's celebrate this special occasion together! 

I am determined to make this blog one of my priorities in 2018, so I already gave some thought on what I could improve here, in "Things I Like". 

First things first, I am going to be more consistent with my blog posts: starting from January, I am going to introduce monthly book reviews (instead of very, VERY random ones. I do read (a lot), but sometimes I just don't feel like my opinion is worth sharing (or I'm just too tired to write), so I have to work on that!). 

Secondly, there are going to be monthly beauty product reviews, because I've been wanting to do those for quite some time now, but something inside kept stopping me. But since I do get asked a lot about this kind of stuff by my friends and colleagues, why not make it a permanent thing here? Because I like this topic and I do write about cosmetics from time to time (but too rarely in general). 

I also plan weekly updates on my life (it's a lifestyle blog after all!) and to have this weekly introduction of my favorite (be it a song, an outfit, a postcard, etc.). So, we'll see how it goes!
